09 March 2011

guest blogger: pregnancy chic

My name is Whitney and my connection to the
BHD girls is through Leah.
We have worked together just over 2 years
but are also close friends.
Also, I am 18 weeks pregnant!
Leah wanted me to talk about pregnancy style.
I will be the first to say that trying to look cute
while gradually growing more and more
shapeless can be a challenge...


My biggest tip is to buy flowing, billowy skirts and tops
from regular stores like Forever 21
and Zara as long as you can,
because who wants to spend
a fortune on maternity clothes?
My pregnancy wardrobe staples include:
- leggings (I had to go up a size)
- tunics, maxi skirts (super comfortable)
- long tank tops (to cover the burgeoning bump)
- A-line dresses.
I've found that layering is key - you never know
when you'll be hit by a wave of hormones
that make you hot or cold,
so I always keep a cardigan or jacket close by.

jacket: j.crew outlet
top: forever 21
skirt: forever 21
necklace: j.crew




If I choose to wear heels, I bring a pair of back-up
sandals or flats along for the ride.
Eventually, heels will be out of the question once I'm
so big that I'm unrecognizable, but for now, a low heel
makes me feel much less frumpy than flats.  :)
These are the "rules" I live by for first and second trimester maternity style.
I'd love to hear style tips from any moms and moms-to-be!



  1. cute!! except i look bigger than that on a normal day :-) leah can attest, lol.

  2. whit you look soooo cute and adorable! and how stylish! i love your top. hey girls this is a great idea. guest bloggers are super cool and i follow your blog better than i follow my religion. :) keep it coming!

  3. Thank Preeti!!

    Whit, you are Super super adorb!!! That belly is so cute. I bet people are rubbing it left and right.

    Very good post, and great outfit.


  4. Her belly is the cutest!!! And she really is this stylish in person, y'all. Whit will be guest blogging throughout her pregnancy. Get ready for that belly.

  5. Thanks, gals, for having me as a guest. I appreciate the sweet comments!!

  6. Respectfully, "That's hot."

    - Jason Hilton
